Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to accelerate personal and professional growth while traveling humanely around the world. YBL Scholarships are all-expenses-covered travel programs designed for YBL Community members to live and develop three important pillars of life: Passion; Life Career, and Social Impact.
Select members who represent our community values and make resources available to them, so they can grow and Humanize their world and the people and places they come across
Share these Humanizers’ experiences and stories with the rest of the community
Physically connect Community members around the world
Enhance meaningful human connections and clarify, by example, the definition of a “best life” - a unique but balanced life filled with passion, authentic human connections, feeling accomplished with what you do, and giving back to others
All YBL Scholarships are built, designed, and run according to the three important pillars of life.
While traveling, you’ll be doing activities to contribute and empower you to find and live your own unique best life.
Click on each pillar to check examples of activities.
*Inspired by the Japanese concept Ikigai
a reason for being